Art for Trees Sake

How are young people grappling with the death of thousands of Ribbon Gums in the Monaro landscape?

Art for Trees Sake

How are young people grappling with the death of thousands of Ribbon Gums in the Monaro landscape?

Making a Difference -


The issue

Many school-age children on the Monaro have become accustomed to seeing the mass of dead trees known as the Monaro dieback episode.  The USLN and a botanical artist chose to work together to turn this around. 

Greening Australia were involved also and all the children not only learned about the dieback issue but were able to plant a tree.  

To bring the subject of Monaro tree dieback into sharper focus for local children (and their teachers and parents), primary school students in the tree dieback area were invited to a special day at Cooba Educational Centre. 

The children were given the opportunity in one afternoon to witness tree dieback up close, discuss tree decline and the importance of a healthy biodiverse landscape, plant a local native tree with Greening Australia (funded by the NSW Environmental Trust) and be instructed by botanical artist Sharon Field. 


The solution

USLN and Greening Australia engaged the local primary school children and along with the help of a botanical artist stepped the children into the powerful world of art. 

Ms Field’s fine botanical art will be exhibited at the Cooma Raglan Gallery in September under the project name, ‘Monaro Runes’. The art completed by the students will also feature in this exhibition putting an educative and dramatic creative spotlight on this extraordinary event


The impact

The primary school children have been encouraged to generate art pieces on what a healthy looking Ribbon Gum can look like and compare it to the lifeless dead standing remnants of our grassy woodland trees. 

The children will have their pieces exhibited alongside Sharon Field's work at the Raglan Gallery, Cooma on 1st Sept 2018.



Key facts

  • Art can tell a story.

Project Partners