Open Day at Travelling Stock Reserve

Winding up 3 years of NSW Environmental Trust funding, USLN hosted a showcase open day. Many groups and individuals were invited including all local landholders.

Capacity to Deliver - LP028 - 007

The issue

Challenges abound when restoring native biodiversity.

Upper Snowy Landcare Network took the bold step and signed a 5-year lease on half of a degraded tree dieback-affected Travelling Stock Reserve (TSR) in Berridale.  To back this, the NSW Environmental Trust locked in key funds to conduct multiple restoration trials.

This now fenced-off 40 ha grassy woodland sits high in the landscape over extensive views of the unique Monaro Plains. The dominant tree is Ribbon Gum (E.viminalis) but being in the zone of tree dieback this hill was hit.     

The local Ngarigo Aboriginal elders recognize this area as a much-cherished training ground.

The solution

Trials and activities so far on the Gegedzerick Reserve include-

- baseline monitoring using detailed vegetation and drone surveys - different planting treatments and sowing methods to install missing habitat - erosion gully rehabilitation - mosaic cultural burning and Aboriginal interpretation days for children and locals.

To augment the work on the reserve, the ANU grew and planted 1400 climate-tested seedlings and the CSIRO  has installed a trial of 1000 mycorrhizal inoculated seedlings.  

There has been great interest in our work on this Travelling Stock Reserve. They are a perfect place for landcarer groups to enjoy and or rehabilitate.  

The impact

As for the Open Day, we were presented with a gorgeous March day and all our trials were on show.  We designed the day so people could walk around the woodland using a self-guided map and visit stations to view each trial, receive more detailed information, and ask questions.  

By fencing off the 40 ha from the remaining grazing lease area has meant the grasslands have recovered considerably and there are species popping up that would otherwise be eaten off. 

As we have another 2 years left in the lease, we will seek further support to maintain critical monitoring and weed control.  Without both the trials now in place may be undermined. 

Author: Lauren Van Dyke

Key facts

  • Rehabilitation of Travelling Stock Reserves (TSRs) is a very rewarding undertaking and a great learning space.
  • TSRs are public land and often contain high conservation habitat.
  • Landcarer Groups should consider leasing a TSR near to them.

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