Kayaking on the Lower Namoi

Exploring the Namoi River on a Kayak whilst learning about the local river ecosystem & the impact of litter

Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI022-024

The issue

Generally in the Walgett Shire, the Namoi River is considering as a source of water for crop irrigation and a dumping ground for a select few. Besides this the river is almost always viewed from the bank and thus marking it a low priority for locals. With the North West Local Land Services through Catchment Action NSW, North West Plains Sustainability Group Inc (NWPSG) hosted a kayaking morning to encourage interested locals to be more committed to the health of the local river & it's ecosystems and to see the river from a different angle.

The solution

In conjunction with North West Local Land Services, North West Local Land Services contributed funding for the guides through Catchment Action NSW and North West Plains Sustainability Group Inc provided funding for catering on the day.

To ensure the success of the day, a business based out of Newcastle, Out & About Adventures was employed to provide kayaks and guides for the trip. The Out & About Adventure guides proved to be extremely competent and knowledgeable on river ecosystems as well as being able to effectively engage people who are out of their comfort zone.

The impact

With 12 participants, including 3 emergency services personnel, the morning was a great success. Often emergency services personnel, town locals and locals off surrounding properties don't generally interact at a social level. This event allowed these groups to blend seamlessly, thus strengthening community ties.

The attendees and 2 guides made it their mission to collect all the rubbish they came across on their 4 hour paddle, resulting in a large amount of rubbish including; bottles, cans, fish traps, buckets, tyres and bikes to be collected and disposed of at the Walgett tip. This activity has now engaged members of the community to collect rubbish as they see it in their personal time, which has now allowed the river to be placed higher on the local community's priority list.

Author: alyssa

Key facts

  • Showcasing the local river's ecosystems.
  • Providing the community with a different viewpoint - being on the river instead of looking at it.
  • Educating the community on the effects of littering.

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