Wild Dog Awareness
Increasing Wild Dog Awareness in the Walgett Shire
Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI022-019
The issue
Together with the Walgett Vertebrate Pest Control Association NWPSG is addressing the emerging Wild Dog population in the Walgett Shire. It was identified that many landholders did not know what steps to take if they had a wild dog in their area. To retain and improve biodiversity and agricultural sustainability and productivity, Wild Dog control is vital.
The solution
Two information fact sheets were created. One was directed at landholder obligations if they had a wild dog in their area "As a landholder it is your obligation to notify the LLS Biosecurity Officer, your neighbours and baiting group about ALL mauling's, stock losses, tracks, howling and sightings", alongside key contact information. The second fact sheet was specific to Wild Dog baiting: Best Practice as described by Stuart Boyd-Law.
The impact
The following were distributed:
Over 300 electronic copies to Walgett community members
35 printed copies dropped in mailboxes in a Wild Dog 'Hotspot'
75 printed copies distributed within 9 Local Baiting Groups
100 printed copies distributed to 5 agricultural supplies businesses and 5 key personal advised on their importance.
These fact sheets allow landholders a 'go to' guide of what to do if they identify Wild Dogs in their area. With this information Wild Dog Control will improve.
Key facts
- Two Fact Sheets
- - Landholder Obligations
- - Wild Dog Baiting: Best Practice
- Over 500 copies distributed