Native Seed Collection and Germination Workshop

A hands-on, practical introduction to native seed collection and germination. The emphasis of the workshop will be introducing people to a few tricks to ensuring a good germination, and doing so at low or no cost in terms of equipment.


07 Nov, 2015 from 01:30 PM to 04:30 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1008)

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The emphasis of the workshop will be introducing people to a few tricks to ensuring a good germination, and doing so at low or no cost in terms of equipment. The workshop presented by Mudgee ecologist and Friends of Putta Bucca Wetlands member, David Allworth, will provide an understanding of the key elements of success.

Participants will:

  • learn how to check if seed is ripe, how to store seed, prepare potting mixes and very low cost, robust systems of germination
  • gain experience in seed sieving, preparing potting mix, sowing seed and handling seedlings
  • gain an understanding of what to look for when purchasing native plants for their own use


A concrete outcome of the workshop is that we will be starting the germination of 200 trees for planting at the local Putta Bucca wetlands in autumn.

Afternoon tea will be provided and the boiling water from the kettle will also be used to prepare wattle seed for planting!

Attendance is free for Watershed Landcare members, $5 for non-members. RSVP to:
