Make the most of the water on your farm
Published 28 November 2014. It's been a hot, dry start to summer and spring hasn't even finished yet. With more of the same forecast how do we conserve the water we have on our farms and make the most of every drop that falls?...
It's been a hot, dry start to summer and spring hasn't even finished yet. With more of the same forecast how do we conserve the water we have on our farms and make the most of every drop that falls?
Last week, the Bureau of Meteorology revised their ENSO Tracker Status from 'watch' to 'alert' level, which means there is now at least a 70% probability of an El Nino developing. The Bureaus' climate models suggest that current weather conditions will likely persist or strengthen.
After the conditions we experienced last summer that's not good news. With limited rainfall and high evaporation rates how do we get the most out of water, our most precious resource?
Watershed Landcare will be hosting a seminar on Water Security on Tuesday 9 December to help landholders make the best management decisions when it comes to their limited water resources.
The seminar will cover topics such as:
reducing evaporation rates in dams
maintaining water quality when dam levels start to drop
capturing surface flows
slowing down runoff to prevent erosion and loss of valuable topsoil
creating optimum conditions for infiltration into the soil
maintaining soil moisture for maximum periods
ensuring on-farm activities are not resulting in groundwater pollution or over-exploitation
The seminar will be held in the afternoon of Tuesday 9 December at the Straw Bale Shed, Australian Rural Education Centre (AREC).
Attendance is free and afternoon tea will be provided. Please RSVP for catering purposes to Agness Knapik, Watershed Landcare Coordinator, on 0435 055 493 or info@watershedlandcare.com.au.
This event is supported by Watershed Landcare through funding from the Central West Local Land Services.