Sculptures, gardens and sustainable homes

Sculptures, gardens and sustainable homes

Published 9 October 2015. The spring weather is glorious so it's time to get out and about and be inspired!...

The spring weather is glorious so it's time to get out and about and be inspired!

As part of this year's Green Day: Digging Deeper – Seeing our Soils! event we asked year 5 and 6 students from across our region to construct a sculpture that oozes imagination and celebrates the importance and diversity of soils

The students entries will be part of the Sculptures in the Garden exhibition this weekend. Come along and check out the students' interpretation of the life in the soil as well as over 200 sculptures and outdoor artworks by well-known local and NSW artists all in the stunning grounds of the Rosby vineyard.

For more information on Sculptures in the Garden visit their website:

Proceeds raised from the weekend exhibition go to the Mudgee Support Group of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and a local arts initiative to create a sculpture walk in Mudgee’s Lawson Park.

Next weekend, Watershed Landcare will be holding the second Sustainable Homes Tour for the year.

We will be visiting a solar-passive designed home in Gulgong. The long, narrow, earth covered home features an indoor temperature range 15 – 25 without heating or cooling and a roof garden. Come along and be inspired!

The Sustainable Homes Tour will be held on Saturday 17th October, commencing at 1.30pm and finish at 3.30pm approximately.

The Sustainable Homes Tours are free and are a chance for folk to chat together, look and learn, share ideas, and have an enjoyable afternoon. Members, non-members and visitors are welcome.

Registrations and enquiries to Rosemary Hadaway 0411755682 or
