Wild weeds, gardens and Costa in Kandos
Published 1 April 2016. The mornings are getting chilly, reminding us that winter is just around the corner. So why not take the family to Kandos this weekend, to enjoy the last of the glorious weather, and for some garden inspiration?...
The mornings are getting chilly, reminding us that winter is just around the corner. So why not take the family to Kandos this weekend, to enjoy the last of the glorious weather, and for some garden inspiration?
The 4th biennial Kandos Gardens Fair will be held this weekend, Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 April, 10am-4pm.
This year's theme is 'Gardening in a harsh environment' and the Garden Fair will feature 12 open gardens, in and around Kandos and Rylstone. The Open Gardens will showcase a variety of local gardens that are not only water efficient, easy maintenance and have made the best of hardy plants but are unique, captivating and full of interest.
There will be a Garden Market at Kandos Community Centre on Saturday, 10am–2pm and market stalls in the gardens throughout the weekend.
ABC's Gardening Australia presenter, Costa Georgiadis, will visits the Kandos open gardens throughout the day on Saturday and the Coxs Creek open gardens in the morning on Sunday.
Fiona Ogilvie, the Land, will present a number of talks; tips & tricks for successful gardening in a harsh environment, creating garden rooms to counter a harsh environment and using autumn and winter to prepare a garden for a harsh environment.
There will also be an opportunity to participate in a wild weedy walking tour around Kandos with wild food forager Diego Bonetto.
Gardening not your thing? There will be plenty to occupy the whole family with belly dancing and cheese making demonstrations. You can try your hand at sculpture with an opportunity to play with clay with local potter Deb Stone or enjoy the scenery of the Brogans Run, a train trip to Airly via Brogans Creek and Carlos Gap Tunnel which leaves Kandos Railway Station at 12:30pm, returning at 2:10pm.
Tickets are available at the open gardens and Kandos town entrance: $15/person for all events and 12 gardens, or $3/person for one garden.
The CWA Kandos Gardens Fair 2016 is a not-for-profit event organised by CWA Kandos Branch. Proceeds go to local charities and organisations.
For more information on the Kandos Garden Fair and the full program, visit their website: www.kandosgardensfair.com.