Sticks & Stones

The ‘Sticks & Stones’ project aims to inject fresh knowledge into our region – on how to increase landscape function and productivity, improve farm water cycles and restore productivity in saline areas. Now that all sounds like a bit of a mouthful, but ultimately it’s about soil (improving fertility and reversing erosion), rain (soaking up every drop), plants (maximising green growth throughout the year). All of this spells increased productivity and a healthier landscape for farmers.

'Simple Ways to Drought-Proof your Land using Sticks, Stones and Plants'

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Seminars with Craig Sponholtz...

Craig specialises in re-establishing ecosystem services to improve and restore land productivity.  You can read more about Craig and his watershed restoration work on his website

The Sticks and Stones Project is now complete. Read the Sticks & Stones Project Report. View Craig's Erosion Control Resources and Examples. See Craig's zuni bowl at Coffin Creek near Mudgee.

A Demonstration site was constructed at Coffin Creek on 11 April 2013. Take a walk through the site and see the work that 20 voulnteers completed in 4 hours. Watch Cam Wilson talk about the construction of a Log Splash Down.





On-farm consultations with Craig Sponholtz

The second component of the project was open to 20 landholders in priority saline areas and includes a half-day on-farm consultation with Craig Sponholtz, followed by $3000 sponsorship for each participant to put in place practical restoration projects that improve their landscape productivity.

These 20 positions were open for EOI late last year and have since been filled.


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This project is supported by Watershed Landcare through funding from the Australian Government's Caring for our Country and the Central West Catchment Management Authority.
