Mudgee Bee Group

The Mudgee Bee Group is a Watershed Landcare special interest group, providing training, peer support and mentoring to aspiring apiarists.


Membership of the Mudgee Bee Group is $70 per year (due 1 July)

The fee incorporates membership to Watershed Landcare and the Amateur Beekeepers Australia (ABA), who together, provide Mudgee Bee Group members with support such as administration, funding, insurance and technical information.

 You can join by visiting the ABA website and click APPLY TO JOIN


    Watershed Landcare Incorporated (WLI)

    • This membership is per household, not individual.

    • If you would like more information about WLI contact:

    Claudia Wythes, Watershed Local Landcare Coordinator

    (bh) 0412 011 064 or


    Amateur Beekeepers Association of NSW (ABA)

    • This membership is per individual, so the first person named will be listed.

    • If you would like more information about the ABA, visit their website

    • Additional public liability insurance can be obtained for your hives. Please speak to the Watershed Coordinator for more information.



    To keep bee hives in NSW, you must be a registered Beekeeper. Your registration number must be clearly displayed on the broodbox of every hive.

    For more information, contact the NSW DPI Beekeeper Registration Unit on 02 6558 1707 or via email or visit to register online.