Weddin Waste Reduction Workshops

Weddin Landcare empower residents to take waste management into their own hands

Capacity to Deliver - LEP23-005-Weddin-02_LLC_001

The issue

With the temporary closure of several rural tips across Weddin and subsequent pressure on the Grenfell Waste Depot, there is a need to improve how household waste is managed on a local level. There are ongoing associated problems of food waste breaking down in landfill causing toxic methane gases and ending up as leachate that can make its way into our groundwater.

The solution

Weddin Landcare ran a series of waste reduction events to start empowering residents to take waste management into their own hands. These included a Clean Up Australia Day event at a local nature reserve, composting workshop with the local high school, and a reducing household waste and composting workshop for local community members at the Weddin Community Native Nursery. Resources were produced and shared with participants and the broader community via the website and a series of waste tips shared on social media over the following months. The Weddin Shire Council and Cowra Materials Recycling Facility were engaged to present on how to recycle better and common issues their waste collectors and sorters face. 

The impact

Sixteen community members helped collect a ute load of rubbish at Grenfell’s Company Dam Flora and Fauna Reserve. Fifty high school STEM students were taught about the benefits of composting and given a demonstration to kick-start composting for their community garden. Nine community members participated in the reduce household waste workshop and were provided with factsheets containing simple steps on how to recycle better, how to compost, and how to reduce waste in the home. Both the high school and one lucky participant at the community workshop were given a tumbler composter to help get them started.

Author: Claire Diprose

Key facts

  • 75 community members got involved to help reduce waste.
  • Targeting different community groups helped reach a larger audience.
  • Preparing our own content for the events as well as follow-up resources helped build capacity for the Local Landcare Coordinators and kept the momentum going beyond the events.

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