Working together for the Weddin Shire

Weddin Landcare is developing a stronger relationship with Weddin Shire Council to enhance local environmental outcomes.

Collaborations - LP048-001

The issue

Weddin Landcare identified a need to develop a stronger relationship with Weddin Shire Council because:

  • there was a lack of cohesion between activities conducted by Weddin Landcare and Council;    
  • opportunities to work collaboratively were being missed;
  • both organisations could benefit through shared resources, networks and data as well as cross-promotion of activities;
  • Weddin Shire Council could benefit from being aligned with Weddin Landcare to improve community perception of being an ‘environmentally conscious’ Council; and
  • Weddin Landcare could improve its profile and capacity to deliver projects by partnering with Council to secure and deliver large-scale projects.

The solution

Weddin Landcare held individual discussions and group meetings with staff from different sectors of Weddin Shire Council including the Economic Development and Tourism Officer, Director of Environmental Services, Director of Engineering and several contracted project officers working on specific plans for the Shire. Council staff were introduced to the new Local Landcare Coordinator and key members of the Weddin Landcare Steering Committee.

Weddin Landcare informed Council of its operational framework and key focus areas, current and planned activities, and ideas for collaboration. This was well-received by the different sectors of Council, who were forth-coming with several draft plans and suggested partnership opportunities, sought directional input for several policies and initiatives and offered assistance with promotion of Weddin Landcare activities.

The impact

Weddin Landcare has now established working relationships with key personnel within Weddin Shire Council and is already collaborating with Council on the following:

  • Developing joint on-ground projects, case studies and educational campaigns;
  • Cross-promotion of news, events, opportunities and activities through networks;
  • Providing direct input and feedback on Council policies and planning documents; 
  • Consulting on environmental issues affecting the Shire; and
  • Providing data to Council for State of Environment reporting.

The strengthened relationship between Weddin Landcare and Weddin Shire Council will result in a greater capacity to deliver and promote environmental activities as well as more robust and perceptive local environmental plans, which will lead to improved environmental outcomes for the Weddin Shire.

Author: Melanie Cooper

Key facts

  • Weddin Landcare is strengthening its relationship with Weddin Shire Council.
  • Weddin Landcare committee members and the Local Landcare Coordinator have met with key Council staff members to communicate current and planned activities and discuss ideas for future collaboration.
  • Weddin Landcare will actively participate in Weddin Shire Council's planning processes.
  • Weddin Landcare and Weddin Shire Council are now working together on a variety of environmental initiatives for the Weddin Shire.