The Western Murray Land Improvement Group (WMLIG) is a non-profit Landcare group formed in 2003 with an office based in Barham, NSW. The group is a key NRM and sustainable agriculture service provider and represents the region as part of Murray Landcare in the Murray Catchment. Locally the group provides Landcare support to the community in the previous Wakool Shire region in the mid Murray Catchment, covering an area of over 750,000 ha.

WMLIG Resources and Programs

WMLIG hosts a Local Landcare Co-ordinator. This position is supported by the Murray Local Land Services Regional Capacity Building Program and the Local Landcare Co-ordinators Initiative funded by the Australian Governments National Landcare programme, NSW Government and Landcare NSW.

Activities and Achievements

In the last three years, WMLIG has sourced funding for 70 activities attended by well over 1000 participants. The activities cover a diversity of community needs including forums, workshops, field days, trials, publications and courses.

A current major project the group is managing is titled ‘Economically Viable Options for Retired Irrigation Land’ (EVORIL), which is currently trialling a range of pasture species and production options for retired irrigation lands in the Wakool district.

Landcare and Producer Group support

WMLIG provides assistance to the community and groups. Examples include;

o  Communicating information about Australian Government programs, local events, training and funding opportunities.

  • Developing projects relating to sustainable agriculture and natural resource improvement initiatives, such as educational opportunities and on farm trials.
  • Promoting opportunities for projects and partnerships with stakeholders such as Landcare and producer groups, local government, State and Federal NRM agencies and industry groups.
  • Providing capacity building assistance such as strategic planning.

Local Landcare and producer groups supported in the region include;

  • Barham Landcare
  • Central Murray BestWool BestLamb Group
  • Moulamein Cropping Group
  • Murrakool Land for Wildlife

Other community groups are also supported where group objectives align to Landcare programs.

For further information go to website


    Areas of the Central Murray Irrigation districts are going to be faced with a decline in the amount of irrigation water available, due to water buy backs associated with the Murray Darling Basin Plan. Murray Irrigation Ltd (MIL) already has a channel retirement program in place and irrigators are selling water and shifting to annual purchasing of water when conditions allow.

    At the completion of MDBA initiated Water Community workshops held in May to August 2016, community leaders identified the need to form a community organisation to address the impact of Basin Plan water policy changes to the region. The Wakool Edward Strong Communities Initiative (WESCI) was formed to leverage positive attributes of the region and create a strong and prosperous future by exploring options that may have a transformative impact.

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