Gee Gee Bridge Revegetation Project
Gee Gee Bridge Revegetation Project
Revegetation of the original road approach to the dismantled Gee Gee Bridge
Collaborations -
The issue
Due to structural age and safety concerns, a new bridge has recently been erected by Roads and Maritime Services NSW (RMS) replacing the original Gee Gee bridge on Noorong Road in Noorong/Wetuppa NSW. The project also included the construction of a new bridge approach, leaving the old roadway approach area bare with degraded and compacted soils.
The solution
Murray River Council with consultation from RMS worked with Western Murray Land Improvement Group to strategize a plan to transform this now unused and degraded site back to a healthy and revegetated landscape. WMLIG created a project plan to rehabilitate the area including sowing groundcovers and planting endemic plant species.
Site preparation included deep ripping, spreading of embankment materials, spreading of Gypsum to assist in breaking down the compacted soils, and the spreading of topsoil to rebalance the soils that have been heavily burdened by compaction and construction. The site was then prepared for the planting of 1,100 tube stock which involved creating wide depressions with central holes bored for the plants themselves creating an area for each plant that could maximise water harvesting from subsequent rainfall events - allowing more moisture to be captured.
The tube stock was then planted at the site and watered in immediately. Guards were also installed on each individual plant, and since planting, a fence has also been erected providing further protection of the area from pest pressure.
Since planting, we have been fortunate enough to have received rain events at all the right times which has helped the project to be a great success so far. Manual watering will occur when needed over Spring and Summer to ensure the plants continue to survive and grow.
The impact
The seedlings planted have all thrived and are showing healthy new growth leading into Spring. The groundcover species sown have also shown a mostly successful germination, considering the rain we have received has slowed down in the later part of Winter. Continuous monitoring and support of the site and the project will ensure we can enjoy watching this important revegetation area grow in the years to come.
The project was also registered as a participating site in the 2021 Planet Ark National Tree Day program, meaning the plants that were planted all contributed to the National Tree Day planting tally.
Key facts
- 1,100 locally grown endemic plant species were planted
- 6 months of ground preparation and project planning occurred prior to planting
- 13 community members participated in the tube stock planting day
- Continuous site monitoring will ensure the ongoing success of this revegetation project