Lamb Marking Best Practice

Practical Demonstration of Lamb Marking Best Practice

Capacity to Deliver - LP021-037

The issue

Geoff Duddy from Sheep Solutions ran a workshop on Lamb Marking best practice and gave a practical demonstration. Geoff has spent over 20 years servicing regional, state, and national sheep and wool producers, specialising in sheep meat production, new and introduced sheep breeds, pasture and grain-based finishing systems and marketing. Lamb marking and mulesing practice has changing and developing all the time, it is important that producers are kept up to date with the current best practice. Lambs should be marked between two and 12 weeks of age with the youngest lamb being at least 24 hours old. If lambing extends for more than six weeks, you could consider having two mulesing/marking sessions. There has been an influx of young farmers returning to the area and family farms over the past few years, lamb marking best practice has changed over this time, so it is important to keep them informed of the current best practice. It is also important to keep the older generation up to date with the legislation and best practice as it can be easy for them to get stuck in their old ways.

The solution

Approximately 40 local farmers and experts attended the workshop held at ‘Glenbar’ in Mallan. The workshop which was organised by Central Murray Best Wool Best Lamb (CMBWBL) in partnership with Western Murray Land Improvement Group consisted of informative presentations by livestock expert Geoff Duddy and CMBWBL’s Rick Ellis. Geoff spoke on the importance of ewe and lambing nutrition before, during and after lambing as well as the pros and cons of separating singles and twins or keeping them together. Rick Ellis then covered the topic of lamb marking and mulesing best practice, the do’s and don’ts and pros and cons of lamb marking rings that included a practical demonstration on how to apply the rings.

The impact

There was a great response to the day with 50% of attendees completing the survey and rating the day a 9/10 on average. Those who didn’t yet have a drone would investigate purchasing a drone and those who already have a drone were keen to put their skills into practice.

Author: Nick Dillon

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