Sheep Handler Workshop

Sheep Handler workshop for manufacturers to showcase their equipment for the local community

Community Participation - LP021-030

The issue

We held a Sheep Handler workshop where 4 manufacturers showcase their equipment for the local community as we have a large population of sheep farmers in our area. A lot of farmers in our area are moving toward sheep farming as it is getting harder and more expensive to grow crops. Farmers are looking for ways to make physical work easier on their workers and themselves.

The solution

We had presenters from TePari, Clipex, Gallagher and Hecton demonstrate their machine for a group of about 40 farmers, so they were able to see how they operate. Attendees were able to see how the operate, ask questions, and get a price on the equipment they were showcasing. There were handlers available for every budget. The handlers help the owners by taking pressure off them physically but by also making jobs like ear tagging, weighing, drenching, vaccinating, and splitting them into groups when needed. Those who didn’t yet have a drone would investigate purchasing a drone and those who already have a drone were keen to put their skills into practice.

The impact

The workshop had an average rating of 9/10 from the surveys that were completed. Attendees feedback said that all the information that was presented on the day was ‘very relevant’ and agreed that the presenters were engaging and informative.

Author: Nick Dillon

Key facts

  • This project was funded by the Australian Government under the Murray–Darling Basin Economic Development Program.

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