Wingala Reserve is two hectares of native bushland in the midst of almost urban Dee Why. The Bushcare group aims to sustain the reserve in its surprisingly original state of natural bushland by working together to remove weeds.
The group has been meeting at least monthly for over 15 years, the pace of the work is slow because we value the group and community dynamic almost as much as we value the bush itself and we enjoy a pleasant tea break, sustained by curried egg sandwiches in memory of Doreen who used to look after the bush single handed until the group was established.
In 2006 we were lucky enough to be awarded a grant for “Fire Based Germination in an Urban Environment at Wingala Reserve” from the Envirofund which was primarily needed to prepare the area for a fire. Getting the fire happening was no small task in an urban environment but it finally took place in 2010 and the results have been marvellous with a proliferation of native species growing up.
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