Yanco Billabong Creek Heritage Tour

Sharing Knowledge and Connections to Country.

Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI016-001

The issue

Partnership with Yanco Creek and Tributaries Advisory Council Inc. and the Rice Growers Association of Australia Champions Program.

As a Local Landcare Coordinator host, Yarkuwa Indigenous Knowledge Centre offers an opportunity to other Murray Landcare Coordinators, to assist in the enhancement of engagement of the Indigenous community, to encourage strong communication systems and to recognise Indigenous cultural values.

The solution

Yarkuwa will compile existing known data about the heritage sites and places of significance to the Indigenous Community, of the Yanco Creek Tour area, to include in the overall project plan.

Yarkuwa will also assist with and advise on the implementation and interpretation during the Tour

The impact

The Tour and the interpretation will provide an opportunity for Indigenous and Non-Indigenous members of the community, to come together to share knowledge and experience a cultural exchange that will create awareness, understanding and recognition and respect.

This will build stronger relationships and an opportunity for ongoing engagement and partnerships into the future.


Timing and promotion of these of the tours is critical.

Creating a relaxed informal atmosphere both on the bus and off, worked really well and people enjoyed the tour and were encouraged to ask more questions and learned more.

We learned that the general public are very keen to learn about Indigenous culture, but just not sure were to go to find out.

These types of tours are very good for building bridges, partnerships and respect.

Author: alyssa

Key facts

  • Building meaningful partnerships and building bridges.
  • Cultural exchange between Indigenous and wider communities.
  • Building awareness, understanding recognition and respect.

Project Partners