Ferals and Weeds across YAN
Ferals and Weeds across YAN
Feral and Invasive Weed Awareness across Yass Area Network
Taking Action -
The issue
The Yass Area Network which extends from Sutton to Bookham has a diverse range of feral animals and invasive weeds. The Hume and Barton highways are enablers of such spread. Feral deer and pigs are moving across our landscape and Redfin and Carp are swimming across our waterways.
The solution
YAN submitted a project proposal to NSW DPI and Landcare NSW for funding from the Established Pest Animals and Weeds initiative which is part of the Australian Government's Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper. This funding enabled YAN to host an Invasive Weeds information session as part of a Yass Landcare monthly meeting plus a Feral Animal Awareness afternoon in a historic shearing shed on Yass River Road.
The impact
The DPI Weeds Wise App enabled participants to access bio-security and control information on selected weeds.
SE LLS officers discussed the SE Regional Strategic Pest Animal Plan were Deer, Wild rabbits and Feral pigs were the top three ferals across the SE region. We also had a great discussion on the difference between exotic Indian Mynas and native Noisy Miners by a CSIRO officer who is also our Murrumbateman Landcare Chair. Trapping devices were also displayed. Tanja Strive also from CSIRO detailed the 150yr history of rabbit control across Australia where fleas, flies and mosquitoes were shown to be active contributors to the spread of rabbit virus across Australia.
Our afternoon break revolved around two small Ferrets attempting to clear rabbits from a large warren built under trees and thick vegetation. One very fat rabbit was chased into a net placed over an entrance, the rabbit was quickly extracted and placed in a cage. Other rabbits were heard being chased underground. If you wish to adopt an alternative way to extract live rabbits - consider using the services of a ferret handler.
Collective action works best when baiting feral animals.
When walking in the paddock always take a mattock to remove that invasive weed when you see it. Don't wait until tomorrow.
Report sightings of new feral animals like deer, pigs and goats to the LLS - who can trap if feasible - and prevent their spread.
Key facts
- Be constantly aware while in the paddock for invasive weeds. ACT when numbers are small - to protect again a later explosion in numbers and spread. Group action in feral animal management works best.