Grand Opening of the Yass Community Nursery
Around 40 people braved the windy conditions for the official opening of the Yass Community Nursery on Saturday 30th September by deputy Mayor Kim Turner.
The Nursery which is behind the Yass Valley Men’s Shed is a joint project of Yass Landcare Group and the Yass Community Garden, will be a resource for people who would like propagate seedlings for environmental plantings, vegetable gardens and flower beds.
Kate Wilson from Yass Landcare explained the evolution of the Community Nursery and how it had been a long time in gestation, "its taken approximately 3 years and there has been so much help and support of so many people who had helped make it happen." Kate said.
"The Yass Landcare group had enjoyed a long history of planting and propagating trees with Greening Australia at the Transgrid Nursery. When this nursery closed down Transgrid donated some of the equipment including tables and plants to the Landcare group and this got us started."
After approaching council to secure some land for a nursery site other donations and funding followed including Bendigo Bank, Yass Soldiers Club, Yass Area Network of Landcare Groups, The Foundation for Regional and Rural Renewal (FRRR) and the NSW Environmental Trust as part of the BushConnect program- Yass Habitat Linkages.
"The nursery will have the capacity to produce around 6,000 tubestock per year for the Yass Habitat Linkages." Jeni Said.
A corridor project which focuses on the Yass, Gunning, Gundaroo area and will support landholders who wish to plant shelterbelts and increase biodiversity.
Deputy mayor Kim Turner officially opened the nursery and helped propagate the first batch of seedlings for the Yass Habitat Linkages program.
Rebecca Widows from the Yass Community Garden was on hand to assist people wanting to get started propogating vegetables and flowers.
Working Bees at the nursery are the first saturday of the month.
For more about the nursery conact:
- Rebecca Widdows: 0435 583 829
- Kate Wilson: 0421 816 834.