YAN Environmental Trust grant win to progress Climate focused work
Yass Area Network of Landcare groups Landcare nurseries will grow over 50,000 plants in the next four years prepare for a changing climate.
The Yass Area Network of Landcare groups under the guidance of its four volunteer run Landcare nurseries will grow over 50,000 plants in the next four years to enable regional landholders to start the progress of preparing their properies for a changing climate.
This project will use our climate ready revegetation strategy to guide establishment of 50,000 climate ready plants in the Yass Valley over 4 years, to enhance the capacity of regional critically endangered Box Gum Grassy Woodlands plant communities to withstand increasing climate pressures.
Plantings will mitigate climate change by sequestering carbon and provide key habitat and connectivity for restoring biodiversity. Yass Area Network (YAN) of Landcare Groups will work closely with 4 volunteer-run Yass Area Network native plant nurseries, an established network of engaged landholders, and natural resource managers and science practitioners to achieve project outcomes. The project builds on work undertaken by a committed team Yass Area Network volunteers and will refine and develop further methods for selecting climate ready species, seed provenances, seed sourcing, germination testing, nursery coordination, strategic landscape planting and monitoring. We have a vision of acting locally to effect change through our YAN Landcare nurseries and seed sourcing team.
This Environmental Trust funding boost will enable the project team to network with climate focused scientific organisations which will ensure that our project is adopting the best seed sourcing and sowing options possible. Plant genetics investigations - may also be possible, something the team could only previously dream.