Growing the Bottom Line Field Trip

Exploring the integration of biodiversity and farming.

Growing the Bottom Line Field Trip

Exploring the integration of biodiversity and farming.

Showing the Difference -


The issue

On-farm conservation activities such as revegetation can improve habitat and connectivity for native birds and other animals, increase resilience to the impacts of climate change, help protect soil and waterways, address salinity and erosion issues, and provide shelter for livestock. Demonstrating that managing for increased biodiversity can help with increasing productivity and profitability is key for facilitating the wider adoption of conservation  practices in grazing and cropping systems. 

The solution

Growing the Bottom Line invited participants on a field trip to visit award winning farmer David Marsh at his property 'Allendale' near Boorowa. David discussed a range of topics including why planning is important, how he's managed drought, why he began planting trees, the landscape changes he's observed over the past four decades, and how practicing holistic management and undertaking revegetation has increased biodiversity and productivity. Nicki Taws from Greening Australia also discussed how they have been able to observe biodiversity improvements by monitoring birds on the farm. The Growing the Bottom Line field trip was funded by a Riverina Local Land Services Foundational Grant.


The impact

Operating a profitable business is a priority for any farming family. Sustainability of resources is also important to maintaining a viable business. Clearly demonstrating the link between managing for increased biodiversity leads to increased productivity and profitability empowers and inspires landholders. Twenty seven participants spent the day engaged with David's first hand account and joined in the conversation with many questions. Feedback from the day illustrates the enthusiasm felt by participants, with one stating that it was the best day in the field he had ever been to.

Key facts

  • Managing for increased biodiversity helps to improve productivity
  • Demonstrating success leads to change
  • Birds are a useful indicator of biodiversity improvements

Project Partners