Adaptive Review Feb-Mar 2025 Landcare Enabling Program
Key dates:
- 4th March 2025 (9-3pm) - Adaptive Review Working Group will meet face to face in Sydney
- 17th Feb - 21st March 2025 - Adaptive review period where feedback is collected by program participants
- April 2025 or when completed - final facilitator report and action plan will be developed and added to Gateway
Purpose of review:
It has been 12 months since the Landcare Enabling Program was formally implemented.
As with any new program there are likely to be challenges and learnings that may require direct attention and a need to adapt for the success of the Program.
Feedback is sought from program participants including funded roles, grantees and their committee members, Local Land Services, Grant Management Office and Landcare NSW.
Third party organisations (organisations who employ a funded role by agreement with a grantee) may also provide feedback through the review period via the form feedback link.
This feedback will be collated, analysed and risk assessed by the Joint Management Committee.
Responses will complement other feedback including grantee check-ins (December 2024) and from the all funded role employer meeting held (February 2025).
The facilitator's report and action plan will be made available here on Gateway, likely by April 2025.
Terms of Reference for the Adaptive Review Working Group (a time-limited group to provide specific feedback at the face to face meeting in Sydney) are attached.
All feedback collated through this process and adhoc feedback throughout the program may be used in the mid-term and final program evaluation.
How do I submit feedback?
Please complete this form to submit your feedback. Please ensure your feedback is:
- constructive i.e. clearly identifying the issue/suggestion (perceived, real or otherwise) with possible solutions or avenues to explore
- provide clear evidence (if available) that supports the issue/suggestion or be willing to share further specific information through a meeting with the program managers
- be specific - it is important for everyone to understand the specific issue/suggestion being raised. Being specific would include:
- who does the issue/suggestion involve i.e. name of grantee/s and/or third parties, how many people is it likely to impact
- what is, or will be the actual impact either now or in future years
- possible solutions that may be explored and are supported by data and/or research or information that refers to the demonstrated success of the solution
- is the issue/suggestion time critical i.e. impact is now, next year, into the future
Please note general comments and statements that not constructive and general in nature are unlikely to be considered.