Resources and Information for Coordinators and host organisations involved in the NSW Landcare Enabling Program

Reporting for the Landcare Enabling Program

Reporting information, including financial and activity reporting can be found in the Landcare Enabling Program Fact Sheet

For all contract communication queries please email quoting your application ID in the subject heading. If your query relates directly to the financial claim form, specifics in your funding deed, including any variations, please email the Grant Management Office (GMO) directly -make sure you add the application ID LEP # in the subject line.

For all communication regarding resourcing and reporting of the Program e.g. enabling components and anything that is not covered in the contract, please email

Financial reporting 

There are contractual reporting and evaluation requirements (including financial expenditure) under the funding deed relating to the employment of staff and expenditure of professional development. Grantees will need to report annually on financial commitments, spend, and status of acquittal of grants. 

 Note: All reporting is due 15th July each year and is a firm deadline. 

Important note: The Grant Managements Office are unable to process claims until all expenditure is compliant and LLS has provided endorsement. 

Detailed Progress Report/Claim Forms MUST be submitted by 15 July each year for the following financial periods:

1/7/23 - 30/6/24

1/7/24 - 30/6/25

1/7/25 - 30/6/26

1/7/26 - 30/6/27

Activity Reporting

Grantees are encouraged to review the NSW LEP Overview Presentation prepared to assist grantees in understanding what activity information is required for the reporting period, ie. the Coordinator Activity Tracker and case study requirements.

Coordinator Activity Tracker (CAT)

A minimum of 10 CAT submissions per month for 1 FTE on a pro-rata basis. ie 0.6FTE would be required to submit 6 entries per month (based on role start date). CAT submissions are required for all funded roles (RLCs, RASOs, LLCs.) For more information on CAT visit: Coordinator Activity Tracker — NSW Landcare Gateway

Currently CAT access and data management is stored and managed through Local Land Services.

Case Studies

Coordinators are required to submit two case studies per year via the NSW Landcare Gateway. Case studies should be loaded to Gateway with the following naming convention LEP_[funding deed no.]_role e.g. LEP_025_RLC