Various activities were carried out in an attempt to engage neighbours of Turf farms to better manage their Fireweed. Green cestrum and other toxic weeds were ...
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Greater Sydney Landcare
Unleash your adventurous spirit while making a positive impact on the environment. Wildventure offers a unique blend of outdoor activities and environmental ...
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Greater Sydney Landcare
Greater Sydney Landcare Network was successful in getting a Saving our Species grant to facilitate with the National Parks and Wildlife Service. The grant ...
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Greater Sydney Landcare
We meet second Monday of the month during daylight saving, 5.30pm at various properties. Non-daylight saving, second Saturday of the month 9.30am various ...
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Gwymac partnered with the Country Women's Association of Bundarra and Farm-Link to host a get-together to talk about 'it' - suicide prevention, mental health ...
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