GLENRAC has hosted an evening information event on 26th September 2017 to connect livestock producers with information on farm biosecurity planning. The event ...
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The Farmers Together Workshop is focussed on sharing information and knowledge. Learn from highly successful groups and they achieved success. Learn to ...
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Various activities were carried out in an attempt to engage neighbours of Turf farms to better manage their Fireweed. Green cestrum and other toxic weeds were ...
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Greater Sydney Landcare
EVAN FRANKHAM has got plenty of lush, nutritious feed on his Suntop farm to keep 500 breeding ewes in full production, but this fodder isn’t being grazed from ...
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Mid Macquarie Landcare
The Glen East Landcare group vigorously works to protect its district from invasive species. Its members have been actively involved in large erosion control ...
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