Seed for the future
04 Dec, 2018
The Yass Area Network of Landcare Groups won a Yass Council Community Grant to progress community networks and knowledge in the collection, cleaning, storage and sowing of local seed for the future. This grant is managed by a team of Landcare volunteers who operate native plant nurseries in Murrumbateman, Yass and Bowning-Bookham. We are now looking for properties in the Yass Region with good seed bank potential to get involved. For example we are looking for stands of the same plant eg 7-10 Eucalyptus blakelyi (Blakely’s redgum) preferably with accessible limbs to collect seed. In relation to wattles if a landholder has for example 10 plus Golden Wattles on their property which are seeding Kath McGuirk from Yass Area Network of Landcare Groups is keen to hear from you to discuss if ripe seed can be collected. All locally collected seed would be sown in one of the three regional Landcare nurseries. Native seed from wattles or and understory plants, Eucalyptus trees which include Box, Stringy Bark, Ribbon Gum, Gum etc native forbes or waterway rushes are example of the plant groups that local seed is being sought.