Funding for landholders to Save Our Superb Parrot
Janet Heffernan demonstrates best practice for planting individual paddock trees at her property near Dalton

Funding for landholders to Save Our Superb Parrot

Landholders across the Yass Valley, Hilltops, Weddin, Cowra and Upper Lachlan are being offered the chance to be participate in the NSW Governments Saving our Species Program – to protect and enhance the habitat of the threatened Superb Parrot. The program is providing funding through Landcare and other community groups to help farmers and land managers look after hollow-bearing trees and woodland vegetation and to replant trees and shrubs for the future, which will also contribute to sustainable farming ecosystems.

“The project is all about working with the local community to help protect the much-loved threatened woodland bird that needs our help” said Mary Bonet Lachlandcare coordinator.

“Paddock trees and patches of native woodland play an important role in maintaining the productive capacity of agricultural land and they are critically important to the conservation of the Superb Parrot and other native flora and fauna.”

Funding will be available to protect living and dead large hollow-bearing eucalypt trees that provide nest sites for superb parrots. Funding can also support planting new paddock trees and shrubs and restoring woodlands to increase future habitat and landscape connectivity for superb parrots and many other threatened woodland fauna species.


“This program adds to the work Local landcare, Greening Australia, Local Lands Services, councils, individual landholders and amateur naturalist groups have already achieved to maintain habitat for Superbs and other species that migrate through the area every year”.


“We are calling for expressions of interest from landholders who are wanting to region to protect paddock trees and protect and enhance remnant box-gum woodland habitat in key Superb Parrot areas within the region” said Ms Bonet.

Funding guidelines and Expression of Interest forms can be downloaded from  and EOI form EOI or by contacting Mary Bonet email ph 0459352892

Expression of interest closes 15th February 2019, however if funding not allocated there will be further rounds over the next 18 months.