The National Parks Association of NSW (NPA) is a not-for-profit conservation organisation that has been working to protect our natural heritage since 1957.

Since then we have played a role in the establishment of many of NSW's national parks, nature reserves and protected areas.

Today we continue to strive to protect the places we love, connect people with nature through our bushwalking program and citizen science initiatives and raise awareness about the value of our land, water and natural resources.

Connecting people with nature through citizen science

In 2015, NPA received grants from Greater Sydney Local Land Services through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme to develop two new citizen science initiatives to engage and connect people with nature.

In South Western Sydney, we are working with WWF, Greening Australia and The University of Sydney to deliver Bush Mates - a project to help the area’s 300,000 new residents to establish a respectful and sustainable relationship between their communities, wildlife and habitat. Bush Mates will include education and awareness raising activities as well as onground bush regeneration work.

The second grant was awarded to develop Dragons of Sydney Harbour in conjunction with Taronga Zoo, Conservation Volunteers Australia and Macquarie University. This citizen science survey is being run to raise awareness of human-wildlife conflict in urban areas by focusing on the Water Dragons that live on Bradley’s Head.



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