Conservation in Action: Research into Reality
Registrations are now open - make sure you book your seat for this great conference in Bathurst this May.
- https://landcare.nsw.gov.au/groups/central-tablelands-landcare-management-committee/conservation-in-action-research-into-reality
- Conservation in Action: Research into Reality
- 2018-05-15T00:00:00+10:00
- 2018-05-17T23:59:59+10:00
- Registrations are now open - make sure you book your seat for this great conference in Bathurst this May.
15 May, 2018 to 17 May, 2018 (Australia/Sydney / UTC1000)
BMEC, Bathurst NSW 2800
Central Tablelands LLS, Central West Councils Environment and Waterways Alliance and Central Tablelands Landcare are hosting the Conservation in Action conference in May this year.
The conference will be held across 16 and 17 May in the vibrant regional city of Bathurst, with a suite of practical workshops that will complement the conference program to be held on Wednesday 15th May.
From scientists to policy makers, program managers through to specialists and landholders implementing works in the field, this event will pull together all disciplines of natural resource management to demonstrate how we’re turning ‘Research into Reality’.
The conference website is: www.cwcewa.com.au/conservation-in-action-2018
This conference presents an excellent opportunity for Landcare members to extend their networks and build their practical knowledge of on-ground projects that are working to save our local threatened species.
Early bird registrations are now open with full registration packages including welcome drinks, 2 day conference attendance and conference dinner for the heavily subsidised rate of $380. Landcare memberships, student and other concessional rates are available with full conference package of $280 representing tremendous value. Furthermore, there are various conference packages are available - from attending one day through to attending the whole event, including social activities. Central Tablelands Landcare also has a funds to support registrations for our members (see below).
There are some outstanding keynote speakers locked in including Ian Lowe and Ben Peacock, as well as a great array of presentations covering a wide range of topics.
Please help us spread the word and share with friends that you think will be interested.
Looking forward to seeing you at Conservation in Action 2018.
Highlights and Opportunities...
PRE CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS - Central Tablelands Landcare is working on a pre-conference workshop program which will include workshops on nestbox building, bee motels, and a tour of the work that Bathurst Regional Council and Boundary Road Reserve Landcare are doing on the slopes of Mt Panorama (Wahluu). A direct link to the workshops available can be found here - be quick to book your place as all workshops have limits on participation numbers.
CENTRAL TABLELANDS LANDCARE IS SPONSORING REGISTRATIONS - Central Tablelands Landcare has funds to support a limited number of registrations to the Conservation In Action conference for our Landcare members. Membership is being defined as being on our mailing list or being part of a Landcare group in the Central Tablelands Landcare region. Please use this link to send an email to Marita at centraltablelandslandcare@gmail.com if you would like to be considered for registration support - you will need to provide answers to a few basic questions about why Landcare should fund your place at the conference. We will be funding attendance at a workshop, and either one or two days at the conference or a full conference package including social events (value up to over $300). What a great opportunity to assist you in getting to the conference. We will be assessing application weekly starting Friday 6th April - so get you EOI in early so that you do not miss out. We will be asking you to register for the conference and then Landcare will reimburse you on presentation of your receipt.
PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION - The Central Tablelands LLS also has a photography competition opening on 1st April - jokes aside ;) - with winners announced at the conference dinner. So have a look through your photos and be ready to place your entries when the competition opens on Sunday.
CONFERENCE PROGRAM WITH A FANTASTIC SPEAKER LINE-UP - If you would like to see who we have coming to the conference - you can see the conference program here. There are also links to the speakers profiles on the page.