Central Tablelands Landcare Nursery Working Bee
Would you like to help out at the Landcare Nursery? We need your help.
- https://landcare.nsw.gov.au/groups/central-tablelands-landcare-management-committee/events/central-tablelands-landcare-nursery-working-bee
- Central Tablelands Landcare Nursery Working Bee
- 2017-05-12T09:00:00+10:05
- 2017-05-12T13:00:00+10:05
- Would you like to help out at the Landcare Nursery? We need your help.
12 May, 2017 from 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1008)
Anyone keen to help out with our nursery activities
Sue needs some help in the nursery on Friday 12th May 9am - 1pm - it's a great chance to get some hands-on experience at native plant propagation.

Jobs to do include at the working bee:
- Potting up Banksia marginata seedlings
- Direct seeding Acacia seeds into tubes
- Thinning / potting up Eucalypt seedlings
- Weeding and grading tubestock
- Sorting and cleaning donated plant tubes.
Bring work gloves, morning tea and a folding chair (for sitting down to have morning tea).
This working bee will proceed regardless of the weather because most of these jobs can be done inside the poly house, where it will be warm and (fairly) dry.
Please RSVP to Sue Wakefield by email to peckatoe@gmail.com
Directions to the nursery at the Bathurst Agricultural Research Station: Turn into Research Station Drive from Browning Street near Carenne School, continue along Research Station Drive - driving along behind the university, at the end of the road you enter the Bathurst Agricultural Research Station, once in the station take the road to the left - the nursery will be visible a little way down on the left. Parking available near the nursery.