Living soils with David Hardwick


08 Apr, 2016 from 09:30 AM to 04:23 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1008)

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David clearly loves his soils.  However his greatest strength, in my opinion, is that he is able to transfer that enthusiasm and knowledge in an interesting and practical way.

We will explore the physical, chemical and biological aspects of soil health, and gain some of the knowledge and tools you need to assess your own soils at home.

There is no charge for the day and you need to bring nothing.  You will take home a wealth of knowledge and a useful toolkit to help you assess soil health on your own property.   Chances are you will get dirty, so wear your paddock clothes please.

For further information about David visit

Please RSVP by 1st April via return email or call Sally on 0416255065

Let me know if you have any special dietary requirements
