Wattle Day Walk at Peel

Central Tablelands Landcare in conjunction with Peel Native Flora and Fauna Reserve Trust invite you to come along to an informal wattle walk.


03 Sep, 2017 from 11:00 AM to 02:00 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1008)


Anyone who has an interest in Peel Native Flora and Fauna Reserve and who would like to learn more about some of our local wattles.

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Wattle Day is on Friday 1st September - to mark Wattle Day - Central Tablelands Landcare and Peel Native Flora and Fauna Reserve Trust are organising a walk through the Peel reserve to explore some of our local wattle species.

This will be an informal walk with members of the Peel Native Flora and Fauna Reserve Trust and Central Tablelands Landcare - we will be doing a short loop around the reserve exploring some of the local wattle species that are just bursting into flower.

Please meet at the entrance to the reserve (on Wellington St Peel, opposite the entrance to Fitzroy Street) at 11am.  Peel is about 20 minutes north of Bathurst on the road to Wattle Flat and Sofala - about 15kms. Make sure you wear appropriate clothing, sturdy footwear and a hat. Central Tablelands Landcare will supply a cuppa after the walk. Participants would be welcome to bring a packed lunch to have after the walk.

If you are interested in attending please RSVP to Marita on email centraltablelandslandcare@gmail.com or 04269 979 780 as Central Tablelands Landcare will be organising a late morning tea to have after the walk.

What is Wattle Day

Since 1992 National Wattle Day has been 1 September in all of Australia's States and Territories. Before then, Australians in different States celebrated wattle day on different days between August and September.

Wattles have long had special meanings for Australians and in 1988 the Golden Wattle (Acacia pycnantha) was officially gazetted as Australia's national floral emblem.

How can you celebrate National Wattle Day in 2017?

  • WEAR a sprig of wattle or Australia's colours of green and gold
  • GREET each other with 'Happy Wattle Day'
  • ORGANISE a picnic, lunch, morning/afternoon tea, BBQ or dinner for your family & friends


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