Dung Beetling around the Central Tablelands 5th & 6th April
Bern Doube, of Dung Beetle Solutions Australia is coming to the Central Tablelands on 5th and 6th April to tell us more about these wonderful environmental warriers. On Thursday we will meet at 10am at Cashens Lane, Guyong to discuss dung beetles, why we need them, how to keep them working on your property. We will talk about monitoring, how to set a sand pit trap, and identification techniques. We will then do a tour of the area, visiting 3 nearby properties and checking their traps to practise our identificaiton skills. On Friday we will meet at 10am at Euchareena Road, Molong to run through the same introductory session, monitoring and identification as the previous day, followed by a tour of the Molong, Kerrs Creek, Orange area, again, checking traps and practising our identification skills. You are welcome to attend one or both days, just let me know for catering purposes - lunch provided both days.
- https://landcare.nsw.gov.au/groups/central-tablelands-landcare-management-committee/more-about-dung-beetles
- Dung Beetling around the Central Tablelands 5th & 6th April
- 2018-04-05T10:00:00+10:00
- 2018-04-05T15:00:00+10:00
- Bern Doube, of Dung Beetle Solutions Australia is coming to the Central Tablelands on 5th and 6th April to tell us more about these wonderful environmental warriers. On Thursday we will meet at 10am at Cashens Lane, Guyong to discuss dung beetles, why we need them, how to keep them working on your property. We will talk about monitoring, how to set a sand pit trap, and identification techniques. We will then do a tour of the area, visiting 3 nearby properties and checking their traps to practise our identificaiton skills. On Friday we will meet at 10am at Euchareena Road, Molong to run through the same introductory session, monitoring and identification as the previous day, followed by a tour of the Molong, Kerrs Creek, Orange area, again, checking traps and practising our identification skills. You are welcome to attend one or both days, just let me know for catering purposes - lunch provided both days.
05 Apr, 2018 from 10:00 AM to 03:00 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1000)
Cashens Lane, Guyong
Anyone wishing to learn more about dung beetles
Bern Doube will be coming to the Central Tablelands on 5th and 6th April to tell us more about these wonderful creatures. We are also going to be working on their names 🤨
Thursday 5th April - we will meet at Cashens Lane, Guyong for an introductory session about dung beetles, why we want them, how to look after them, how to monitor them, identify and record their presence or absence. We will then tour around the Bathurst region checking some traps that have been pre set. This way we can all have some practice identifying, counting, recording species to improve our monitoring abilities.
Friday 6th April - will be a repeat of Thursday, except in the Molong/Orange area. We will meet at Euchareena Road, Molong for the information session, then travel out to any properties where traps have been pre set awaiting our newly trained experts in identification!
If you want to know more about our guest presenter - Dr Bern Doube (ex CSIRO) - visit www.dungbeetlesolutions.com.au or www.facebook.com/doubedungbeetles
Hopefully we will see some repeat offenders, and some new faces. Anyone is welcome.
Please RSVP for catering purposes - lunch will be provided.