Strengthening connections between our endangered ecological communities

COMPLETED - Central Tablelands Landcare successfully applied for funding through the Australian Federal Governments Clean Energy Future’s Biodiversity Fund for a project to fund landholders in our district to undertake plantings in our district to strengthen connections between our Endangered Ecological Communities.

The project will focus on the strategic revegetation with biodiverse plantings that will strengthen the connections between communities along three broad corridor areas identified in our district (see map).

The project will coordinate the revegetation of 72 hectares and will aim to plant 28,000 tubestock and undertake 36km of direct seeding.
We expect to engage 36 landholders – each of which will undertake 2 hectares of revegetation works.  We will work closely with each landholder to develop an invasive species management plan and guidelines for the management of the site over the next 10 years.
Sites need to be within 200m of an existing remnant (eg road reserve, crown reserve, scattered paddock trees).
Successful projects will receive funding up to $6,500 for fencing, tubestock and direct seeding costs.