A productive partnership

Landcare and the LLS achieving together

Stronger Together - LLCI001-007

The issue

In 2014 a regionally-based model was established for the delivery of agricultural and natural resource management services to landholders and the community in NSW. Locally this saw the establishment of the Central Tablelands Local Land Service (LLS) of which the district of the Central Tablelands Landcare group sits wholly within. The establishment of the Central Tablelands LLS allowed Central Tablelands Landcare to continue to build on the relationships developed previously with both the Lachlan and Central West Catchment Management Authorities.

The solution

Over the past three years, the partnership between Central Tablelands LLS and Landcare in the region has developed into a respectful two-way relationship - that is now seeing positive outcomes and achieving significant on-ground outcomes.  With the establishment and support of the Central Tablelands Regional Landcare Network through the Central Tablelands LLS and the Regional Landcare Facilitator, and with a range of support funding primarily through the National Landcare Program and the NSW Catchment Action program, we have an effective working network and support framework for the five Landcare districts in our region: Central Tablelands Landcare, Lithgow Oberon Landcare Association, Little River Landcare, Mid Lachlan Landcare and Watershed Landcare.

The impact

Through the partnership with the Central Tablelands LLS and the support we have received through this partnership Central Tablelands Landcare has been able to deliver a range of projects and support to our membership and the broader community that would not have otherwise been possible, including;

  • Support for our Landcare Support Officer and Landcare Nursery
  • Establishment of our Dung Beetle education, monitoring and release program
  • Running of our erosion and sediment control workshop with Cam Wilson
  • A range of bee and native pollinator workshops
  • Support of grazing and soil health study groups and workshops

Many of these projects are not large enough in their own right to attract external funding, but through funding we have received through the Central Tablelands LLS's National Landcare Program and Catchment Action funding we have been able to deliver these activities - many of which were identified by our Landcare membership as areas of specific interest.

Author: alyssa

Key facts

  • Employment of Landcare Support Officer
  • Delivery of a range of local workshops and projects
  • Support of our developing Landcare Nursery

Project Partners