Capertee Valley Plant ID Workshop
Join us for the Capertee Valley Plant ID Walk and Workshop.
- https://landcare.nsw.gov.au/groups/central-tablelands-regional-landcare-network/capertee-valley-plant-id-workshop
- Capertee Valley Plant ID Workshop
- 2023-11-19T09:30:00+11:00
- 2023-11-19T13:00:00+11:00
- Join us for the Capertee Valley Plant ID Walk and Workshop.
19 Nov, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 01:00 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1100)
Lochaber Road, Capertee Valley
After the success of our inaugural plant ID walk and workshop, this time we are exploring a very different part of the valley.
Set high on the Great Dividing Range at 980 m, the field day is being held on a 45-hectare property off Lochaber Road, Capertee, which borders the Turon National Park.
Hosted by Capertee Valley Landcare with support from Central Tablelands Local Land Services, the day aims to take you on an enjoyable walk to celebrate and better understand the vegetation types found near the village of Capertee.
We're aiming to provide a quick lunch afterwards and we'd love you to stay after our walk if you can!
Please RSVP by 16 November via Trybooking.
For more information contact Michael at Capertee Valley Landcare via michael.mueller@optusnet.com.au
Location: Lochaber Road, Capertee Valley