The Central Tablelands Landcare community includes Landcare groups, networks and other community/ green groups. The Central Tablelands Regional Landcare Network consists of five Landcare Networks: Watershed (Mudgee), Little River (Cumnock Yeoval), Mid Lachlan (Cowra Canowindra), Central Tablelands (Orange Bathurst) and Lithgow Oberon Landcare Area.

These networks umbrella approximately 60 Landcare and community groups and represent at least 2000 volunteers in the region. Each Landcare group varies in activities, focus and numbers. These can range from running groups of community practice such as grazing management and microscope groups to capacity building events and delivery of on ground incentives.

Each Landcare network is unique and has a trusted relationship with Central Tablelands Local Land Services, the Regional Landcare Facilitator and their local communities. The Landcare community have a wide variety of skills and expertise.


The Central Tablelands Regional Landcare Network has teamed up with the Odonata Foundation to participate in the Great Australian Wildlife Search, using eDNA sampling in our waterways.

The purpose of this event is to highlight both the immense biodiversity spread across the Central Tablelands in the flourishing springtime, as well as to engage the public in science and nature learning using the citizen science platform iNaturalist.

Mycology May, a collaborative initiative between the Central Tablelands Regional Landcare Network and Local Land Services. This community-based event brings together mycologists and fungi lovers for engaging discussions, educational workshops, and enlightening field walks.

Related Networks

Central Tablelands Landcare Inc

William Love (Landcare Coordinator)
Environmental Learning Facility, Orange Showgrounds Orange (Blayney/Molong/Bathurst)

Little River Landcare Group

Group Representative
(02) 6846 4569
24 Forbes Street Yeoval

Mid Lachlan Landcare

Tracee Burke/ Amanda Foxon-Hill
Download group KML