Case Studies
Central Tablelands Regional Landcare 2024 Muster
Planning and Preparing for Funding to Drive Practical Landcare Initiatives
November 2024Establishing the Central Tablelands Regional Landcare Network
This case study explores the establishment of the Central Tablelands Regional Landcare Network, detailing its journey from a concept to a fully operational, incorporated organization. It highlights the collaborative efforts of five local Landcare networks, the successful securing of major funding, the employment of regional and local coordinators, and the development of key operational systems. The case study also reflects on the challenges faced, lessons learned, and future goals as the network continues to strengthen regional Landcare efforts and support landscape-scale environmental projects.
December 2024The 2023 Great Australian Wildlife Search
The Central Tablelands Regional Landcare Network, has participated in the Great Australian Wildlife Search, employing advanced environmental DNA (eDNA) techniques to provide a comprehensive view of local biodiversity.
June 2024Stakeholder review reveals key insights into Regional Landcare Coordinator Implementation
Stakeholder consultations reveals the challenge and opportunities for strengthening regional approaches in the Central Tablelands. This research and consultation process provides key insights and recommendations to inform future planning and decision-making processes for regional approaches in the CTRLN area.
September 2022Central Tablelands Mycology May 2022
Mycology May is a regional collaboration between Central Tablelands Local Land Services, Central Tablelands Regional Landcare Network, DPI Mycology team and the Biodiversity Conservation Trust NSW.
October 2022The ANU brings evidence-based science to Landcare
A collaboration between the Australian National University’s Fenner Institute and Landcare networks in the Central Tablelands and Central West regions is building knowledge and skills for better Box Gum Grassy Woodland management on farmland.
March 2022Local Networks Have Their Say on Regional Opportunities
A regional process has been established that allows for proper consultation with Local Landcare Coordinators and their Networks.
June 2021New Network Chairs Community of Practice
The newly formed Landcare Network Chairs Community of Practice further strengthens Landcare in the Central Tablelands.
July 2021Landcare benefits from ANU Science Support
A collaboration between the Australian National University’s Fenner Institute and Landcare networks in the Central Tablelands and Central West regions is building knowledge and skills for better Box Gum Grassy Woodland management on farmland.
July 2020Longstanding Collaboration the Key to Landcare Success
Landcare and Local Land Services in the Central Tablelands and Central West regions continue to work together as part of the new NSW Landcare Program.
July 2020