MEPAAW Pasture Weeds Workshop
Common and invasive weeds in local pastures - their management and control
Reaching Out - MEPAAW‐NC‐06
The issue
Weed control takes up a large portion of farm expenditure of cash and time. Grazing is the main farming enterprise in our region and many holdings have changed hands in the past 10 years, been bought by tree and sea changers new to farming.
The recognition and correct management of common pasture weeds was the focus of this workshop, combined with pasture management principles into an integrated management system.
The solution
We invited local landholders to an on-farm workshop in a neglected paddock which was kindly offered by new landholders. Here we could observe many of the common pasture weeds as well as the reason for their proliferation in the absence of good pasture management.
Participants then met at the local community hall to look at the details of weed identification and to discuss control methods and techniques.
Integrated management was discussed at length and grazing management in detail.
The impact
21 participants from the Coffs Harbour hinterland participated and took part in lively discussion in the paddock as well as during the formal part of the workshop. We supplied them with our weeds book as well as special hand-outs for some of the less common and newly occurring weeds such as Coolatai Grass.
Participants appreciated the opportunity to learn and gave us very good feed-back.
Key facts
- Correct recognition
- Good timing
- Exact calibration of equipment
- Integrated Management