Condobolin Schools Environment Day 2017

Primary students from around the Condobolin District were engaged in environmental learning at this event

Building our Future - LLCI011-017

The issue

Primary students from the Condobolin region have limited access and exposure to a variety of environmental information and expertise. 

Landcare Coordinator Libby Roesner proposed to hold an "Environment Day" similar to those held in the Central West and at Mudgee to engage students from local schools to a range of environmental issues and presenters. 

This would give local students an opportunity to obtain a range of environmental information and get up-close with a range of activities and exhibits that would otherwise be unavailable to them.

The solution

With significant help and support from Sally Russell from the Lake Cowal Conservation Centre, and Jude Ryan from St Joseph's Primary School, the day was organised on the 17th October 2017.

Primary students from all the local primary schools were invited to attend an "Environment Day" at St Joseph's Primary School, Condobolin. 

Students in Stages 2 and 3 (Years 3 to 6) from five local schools; Condobolin Public School, St Joseph's Primary Condobolin, Tullibigeal Central School, Bogan Gate and the Condobolin MET School participated on the day.  

The day consisted of a variety of great presenters from different organisations presenting hands on and interactive activities.  The students participated in 25 to 30 minute workshop sessions with five of the activities.


The impact

The kids left the day with a wealth of knowledge and information enabling them to make better choices and make a difference in their home, community and environment.

It was a fun day of learning experiences showcasing the wide variety of environmental and sustainable resources and expertise in our local area.  This provided an opportunity to learn and ask questions of experts and for the students to mix with children from different schools.

The students and teachers thoroughly enjoyed the day including a delicious sausage sizzle for lunch.

Author: Libby Roesner

Key facts

  • Various presenters gave up their own time to share knowledge with students.
  • Information learned at the Environment Day will enable them to make better choices and make a difference to their local environment.
  • Children are our future and provide a direct connection to their parents, siblings and grandparents.

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