Mycology Matters

Exploring the Fascinating World of Fungi with Alison Pouliot

Mycology Matters

Exploring the Fascinating World of Fungi with Alison Pouliot

Community Participation -


The issue

Exploring fungi and mycology is crucial for understanding the intricate roles these organisms play in ecosystems. Fungi are essential for nutrient cycling, decomposition and symbiotic relationships with plants. By studying fungi, we can better manage our land, protect biodiversity, and promote sustainable agriculture. Ignoring the importance of fungi can lead to imbalances in ecosystems, decreased soil health, and loss of plant diversity. We felt that investing in mycology education was essential for preserving biodiversity and maintaining healthy ecosystems in our community.

The solution

This event was possible thanks to the shared work of the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust and Landcare NSW under the Private Land Conservation Matters project. Landcare NSW and the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust are working together to raise awareness and support private land conservation efforts across the state.

 Thanks to this funding Condobolin and Districts Landcare held a local workshop on the 15th of May with ecologist Alison Pouliot. The focus of the workshop was aimed to raise awareness about the importance of fungi and mycology in biodiversity conservation. Participants learned about the roles fungi play in ecosystems and how to identify different species. It was an incredible day filled with lots of interesting & interactive information and was topped off with a field trip to look at the fungi growing nearby - all different types right under our feet! We were also lucky enough to have Erika Roper from NSW BCT there to tell us all about the work they are doing and the opportunities available to landholders. 

The impact

The knowledge received during this workshop increased awareness and appreciation for fungi, empowered participants to make informed decisions in sustainable land management practices, enhanced biodiversity conservation efforts, and sparked a newfound appreciation for the intricate world of fungi. Participants gained valuable knowledge and skills in mycology, fostering a deeper connection to the land. Overall, the positive impact of the workshop was evident in the enthusiasm and newfound passion for mycology that all participants shared, fostering a greater sense of connection to the land. 

Key facts

  • Understanding fungi is crucial for sustainable land management
  • Participants in the workshop gained valuable knowledge on fungi's role in ecosystem health
  • Exploring fungi together cultivates a sense of stewardship for the land
  • The workshop inspired a collaborative effort towards sustainable land management practices

Project Partners