Nest box sites

For this trial, we are starting with two main types of data - observations/sightings of gliders and sites of nest boxes. This folder initially contains one example showing how to indicate a nest box site, but participants in the trial are encouraged to add their own nest box sites. You can add new sites by selecting "Add new" at the left-hand menu and selecting "Map location". Make sure you change the sharing settings to "group" or "public" after you've added your entry so that other group members or the general public can see what you've added! So that others know your site is a nest box, please change the map marker options to select a blue marker with a n"N". This site is for you to play around with so please get in and have a go! All data entered will be able to be exported later for use in other programs (as CSV or KML files). Full details can be found in our user guide: