Quick Face Book survey on the coral trees .Tea Gardens Please support us
Winda Woppa Hawks Nest
John Davis Memorial Avenue of Trees. Sanderling Avenue, Hawks Nest
Sanderling Avenue, Hawks Nest
Hawks Nest NSW
Myall Koala and Environment Group Hawks Nest & Tea Gardens, NSW
Hawks Nest NSW
Winda Woppa, Hawks Nest
This is a photo of a road verge in the Hawks Nest area showing the potential for mother-of-millions to form dense communities and spread into bushland, probably from seeds or plant parts inadvertently brought in on machinery, blown off a trailer or deliberately dumped as green-waste.
The next BB working-bee is on the 24th October, the final one for the year and it will be followed in the afternoon by an early BBQ dinner.
Pindimar Road, Tea Gardens
The Anchorage Hawks Nest