Murray Landcare Collective goes to Tocumwal
To know country, spend time on country, listen, hear
Collaborations - LP017_R007
The issue
Collaborations, 'comparing notes' and 'supporting each other, not competing with each other' across a diverse range of communities and ‘hot’ topics, deliver more effective programs, outcomes and spread of services in our region, the Murray landcare community discovered back in 2013 when they formed the Murray Landcare Collective (MLC) community of practice. Ten years later, MLC is still going strong as a forum to build capacity, knowledge, partnerships and to enable groups to deliver against their own community aspirations. The Collective focuses on learning together through collective interaction and connection to deliver better natural resource management, sustainable agriculture, rural community development and social cohesion.
The solution
Our guiding principle is to build trust and support through relationships, to each other and to country. We have meetings several times per year (face-to-face or on-line) and also interact as needed as opportunities arise. It is convened by the Regional Landcare Co-ordinator Paula Sheehan with support from the Regional Agriculture & Landcare Facilitator Sandy Dellwo and the Local Landcare Coordinators.
The impact
Our February 2023 meeting was held in Tocumwal, starting with a Welcome to Country with Yorta Yorta elder Uncle Colin Walker from Cummergunja Local Aboriginal Land Council out at The Blowhole. Our meetings have a packed agenda, but it was worthwhile to spend time on country with local elders and knowledge holders, to get to know our region, and understand the complexities of Caring for Country.
The Blowhole, AKA Tocumwal Rocks Aboriginal Cultural Heritage site, is a natural phenomenon in a granite outcrop north of Tocumwal. The funnel-like formation opening out of the ground, believed to be connected to Millawa bila (Murray River) was created by a fleeing spirit. Every now and then, especially when the river is low, the spirit can be seen as a water spout, having travelled the 14 kilometres from the river and bursting out at the rocks. Fortunately this section of the site has been protected and is a well-known local special place. Other parts of the outcrop have been quarried.
To Care for Country we must open ourselves up to know country and spend time on country. What other places, stories and connections are out there?
Key facts
- Representatives from 7 groups & 10 partners organisations
- Learning together
- Trust
- Community first
- Caring for Country