Murray Regional Roundup Magazine
Celebrating Agriculture and Landcare across the Murray Region
Collaborations - LEP_23-020_RLC03
The issue
Across the Murray region of NSW there is a collective of vibrant, diverse and active Landcare, producer, farming systems, environmental groups and organisations that deliver meaningful and effective activities in the sustainable agriculture and Landcare space.
These groups and organisations saw a need to provide clear information about themselves, what they offer and some of the things they have achieved. By pulling this information together, it would provide a greater understanding of what Landcare looks like across the Murray region, what is being achieved and how to get involved.
The solution
The Regional Roundup Magazine was developed and produced through a collaborative effort with groups and organisations participating in the Murray Landcare Collective including the Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator (RALF), the Regional Landcare Coordinator (RLC), Local Landcare Coordinators (LLCs) and Landcare and Producer/Farming systems groups.
The magazine was produced in online and hard copy forms to showcase the valuable activities and projects in Landcare and Agriculture that have been conducted by various groups across the Murray region. It also acts as a directory by connecting readers to group websites, existing case studies and videos and further information through clickable links and QR codes.
The magazine showcases a total of 30 groups and organisations across the Murray region and serves as a celebration of their identity and purpose. It exemplifies the diverse, important and successful initiatives they carry out throughout the region, contributing to agricultural practice change and natural resource management.
The impact
The Regional Roundup Magazine is important for promoting the diverse groups and organisations across the Murray region of NSW and the impactful projects and activities they have achieved. It is a useful resource that provides an overview of Landcare and sustainable agriculture across the region. The magazine builds on the successful partnerships in Landcare across the region and is a good demonstration of collaborative effort.
View the online magazine here: Regional Roundup Magazine - Murray Landcare
The Regional Roundup magazine was supported by Murray Local Land Services through funding from the Australian Government's National Landcare Program.
Key facts
- One online magazine
- 200 hard copy magazines printed
- 30 groups promoted
- Collaboration across the Murray region
- Murray Landcare Collective promotion