New Landcare Group for Upper Murray

Community enthusiasm has ignited the Landcare passion in Khancoban

Community Participation - LP017_L008

The issue

After over 17 years of dormancy, and the effects of a bushfire, Khancoban Landcare Group, recently held a meeting of enthusiastic people to re-establish Khancoban Landcare Group

The Group will represent landholders, Community members,Groups and the general community in the Khancoban, Greg Greg, Tooma, Welaregang areas of the NSW Upper Murray Area. Khancoban Landcare have recently reconvened after community concerns of the impacts of the 2020 fires on their landscapes, on both their farming systems and urban community areas such as the Khancoban Pondage.

Khancoban is small, picturesque town Built in the 1960s to accommodate around seven thousand people who came to the Snowy Mountains to work on the Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Scheme, today Khancoban is the home to approximately 300 residents.

The solution

Whilst still very much its own group, Holbrook Landcare Network will support the Khancoban Landcare Group through the provision of a Local Landcare Coordinator and applying for and delivering project grants, delivery of fortnightly newsletters, soil sampling facilities and access to all that HLN has to offer members.

The group will hold quarterly meetings to discuss significant happenings, issues, and items of interest to farmers, landholders, and naturalists alike.

Members are looking to start on a revegetation site along the foreshore of the pondage, working with their school groups and learning about Carbon accounting, along with initiating Community collaboration within a Nest Box Program.

Khancoban Landcare Group also backs onto the Western fall of the Kosciusko National Park and is looking to collaborating the NPWS and Snowy Hydro to with the aim of inspiring residents to be more interested and involved in caring for local bushland.

The impact

With the group being a diverse array of Community groups, Landowners, Business Groups, Government and private stakeholders. Together, they work towards the common goal of taking care of the landscape and the Upper Murray region. 

Author: Rachael Daniel

Key facts

  • The key to successfully starting a new local group is a proactive group who want to see change, especially after fires then floods.

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