
Reflections of 2000 Bushfires in the Upper Murray


Reflections of 2000 Bushfires in the Upper Murray

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The issue


In reflection, we recall the 2000 bushfires in the Upper Murray... the impact on more than 430,000 hectares of land, the impact on the agricultural sector…. and the loss of a life.     .      

Shortly after, communities were placed into mandated lockdowns and quarantines from the Covid-19 pandemic. This left the debriefing process, reflection on the bushfire event, expression of thoughts, emotions, and personal recounts difficult, and in most cases, non-existing. Not being able to leave your home, interaction with support services, family and colleagues, resulted in a decline to the mental health with the wider community. 

The solution

Holbrook Landcare Network, with the support of funding from Landcare NSW People Led prevention (PLP) grant, created a podcast that sourced people with lived experience of the 2020 fires, flooding and the impacts of Covid. Guests interviewed in the very environment that the fires had impacted (the Mannus Rural Fire Services shed and ‘The Point’ a property on the outskirts of Tumbarumba). Discussions of their stories and what they wished they knew before their homes/properties and livelihoods were impacted.

Discussion with local Mannus Fire Captain, Tumbarumba Fire and Rescue Captain, Local land Managers and volunteer fire-fighters were held and all were encouraged to speak openly about their own experiences.

These recordings were uploaded to a podcast channel where they can be accessed by the wider community.

The impact

The podcast served as a trusted source of lived and personal information that has the power to influence listeners and aid them in making informed, smarter decisions when faced with a comparable situation. The core purpose of the project is to boost individual and community resilience against natural disasters.

The podcast platform content delves into a range of topics and research areas, and lasts longer than a fleeting social media update, providing another resource that people can access at any given time.

Key facts

  • Podcasts are a highly effective tool for engagement.
  • Powerful questions encourage powerful conversations.
  • Help identify key learnings and areas for improvement in fire preparedness and response.
  • Listening to the ‘lived’ experiences from people directly impacted by and involved in fighting the worst fires the Tumbarumba region has faced in over 60 years is engaging, impactful and memorable.

Project Partners