Not-for-profit Association Partners

Bush Heritage Australia

Bush Heritage Australia is a national non-profit organisation conserving biodiversity in Australia. It buys and manages land of outstanding conservation value, and works in partnership with other landowners. It helps to protect native plants and animals on millions of hectares of the most ecologically important landscapes.

Bush Heritage was the initiator of events that led to the creation of K2C and was K2C's first and only lead manager. In the K2C region, Bush Heritage manages Scottsdale and Burrin Burrin as K2C anchor properties; purchases and/or manages any additional properties that Bush Heritage may acquire; establishes and maintains land management agreements with property owners who enter into partnership with them; and provides expertise and research resources for on-going K2C activity.

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Canberra Ornithologist Group (COG)

COG actively promotes the conservation of woodland birds and their habitats. It provides its bird data for conservation related purposes, responds to draft government strategies, policies and plans, makes submissions on development matters such as environmental assessments, and works through the Conservation Council for the SE Region and Canberra which lobbies governments for better environmental outcomes. COG opposes development which results in the destruction or fragmentation of remaining woodland areas and habitat for woodland birds.

In the K2C region, COG supports the twice-yearly bird survey program with COG volunteers on properties on the Monaro; provides advice on bird related issues; provides access to COGs bird data, which includes ACT and surrounding NSW (approx. area Bookham to Goulburn/Adaminaby to Duea NP); facilitates speakers on birds at major events/workshops; and promotes K2C activities to COG members.

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Friends of Grasslands (FOG)

FOG is a community group dedicated to conservation of natural temperate grassy ecosystems in south-eastern Australia. It advocates, educates and advises on matters of conservation of grassy ecosystems, and carries out surveys and other on-ground work. FOG is based in Canberra and its members include professional scientists, landowners, land managers and interested members of the public.

FOG arranges and conducts workshops and field trips in K2C area; at times it has partnered directly with K2C. Annually it monitors selected grassland sites in conjunction with Bush Heritage at Scottsdale. FOG operates a network of members and groups concerned with protection and sustainable management in Natural Temperate Grassy Ecosystems, especially in SE Australia. It distributes news of events, including those organised by K2C, on its website and through regular FOG newsletters and electronic bulletins. FOG focuses on informing the public about native grasslands and grassy woodlands, including assisting development of individual skills (for example plant identification) through its program of field trips, workshops and weed control activities. FOG keeps K2C abreast of regional advocacy issues plays an active advocacy role within the K2C region, and along with K2C, National Parks Association ACT and Canberra Ornithologists Group is a member of the Conservation Council ACT.  FOG assists the management of K2C through representation on K2C committees and working groups.

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Greening Australia (GA) Capital Region

GA is a not-for-profit organisation whose mission is to engage the community in restoring local landscape. It works with a variety of partners, linking the community with practical environmental action in Canberra and the surrounding region. It proclaims that volunteers and community groups can make a difference, improving the environment and peoples’ health and wellbeing. It programs have included the highly successful Whole-of-Paddock and Under-New-Management on-ground programs. It also provides specialised workshops (e.g. seed collection and clay seed-ball workshops) in K2C region.

GA is active in all K2C target areas and has since K2C’s inception GA played an active role in K2C’s governance programs and strategies. It has entered into a partnership with Bush Heritage and has done extensive work at Scottsdale.

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Molongo Catchment Group

The Molonglo Catchment Group is one of three community-based catchment groups in the Australian Capital Territory, although unlike the other two catchment groups most of the Molonglo Catchment is in NSW. The Group is a network of Landcare and Park Care groups in the Molonglo River Catchment. It helps its member groups to promote and undertake environmental protection and enhancement within the catchment. The Group has been supported by the ACT and Australian Governments’ environmental programs.

The Molongo Catchment Group has been an active participant in K2C and in formulating K2C’s objectives and strategies. It developed and managed the first K2C website, assisted K2C with small funding grants, shared its knowledge (such as mapping and location of vegetation communities) within the Molonglo Catchment area, and has provided administrative and office support for K2C project.

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National Parks Association of the ACT (NPA ACT)

NPA ACT boasts over fifty years of conservation, protection, education and bushwalking in the Australian Capital Territory for over 50 years.

It was initially established with the prime objective of establishing a National Park for the National Capital; a goal which it achieved. Today, the Association works to promote national parks, their good management, and the protection of our fauna and flora, scenery, natural features and cultural heritage. It does this by by lobbying, education and by hands-on work parties. Outdoor activities include field trips, work parties, day bushwalks, longer packwalks, snow-shoe walks, kayaking and car camps. These enable members to appreciate and enjoy the natural phenomena and cultural heritage.  Its quarterly full-colour Bulletin is packed with interesting articles about the environment, related issues and members' experiences in the bush. NPA also publish a good range of expert-edited field guides. At its monthly general meetings, which bring members together to talk with the committee informally and over supper, guest speakers address a wide range of topics. It also publishes a monthly eNewsletter. It is always looking for members.

NPA ACT is a recent and welcome partner of K2C and is actively contributing to K2C’s deliberations and direction setting.

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National Parks Association of NSW (NPA NSW)

NPA NSW is a non-government conservation group that seeks to protect, connect and restore the integrity and diversity of natural systems in NSW and beyond, through national parks, marine sanctuaries and other means.

NPA NSW is a strong conservation advocacy group and an active partner in Great Eastern Ranges. It is a recent and welcome partner of K2C and is contributing to its deliberations and direction setting.

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Nature Conservation Trust of NSW (NCT)

NCT acquires, covenants and on-sells high conservation properties within K2C region. Conservation covenants are sometimes referred to as conservation agreements or trust agreements; they are essentially a legal mechanism that guarantees the preservation of the habitat in the area where the covenants are applied. It is similar in application to a covenant placed on a heritage listed building to ensure its preservation. Covenants act in perpetuity, meaning they are lodged against the property title forever. This then binds future owners to the preservation of the habitat on the land; subsequent owners continue to maintain and improve the condition of the habitat helping to provide sanctuary for the flora and fauna on that land forever.

The Trust has been a partner of K2C from its inception and has often relied on K2C to alert it to properties that are good candidates for covenants. Ensuring that high conservation value lands are covenanted is another way for K2C to meet its objectives and targets.

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Upper Murrumbidgee Catchment Catchment Network (UMCN)

Formerly known as the Upper Murrumbidgee Catchment Coordinating Committee, UMCN is a community-based organisation made up of agencies and groups that are responsible for natural resource management in the upper Murrumbidgee catchment. The UMCN operates as a regional cross-border network to enhance communication between agencies and groups in NSW and the Australian Capital Territory which lie wholly within the upper catchment of the Murrumbidgee River which is above the Burrunjuck Dam wall.

The UMCN holds four meetings a year at which current government and community Natural Resource Management (NRM) activities are discussed and topical presentations by guest speakers are provided. Field trips to NRM project sites are organised occasionally. The UMCN undertakes a diverse range of activities, including: preparing submissions to public inquiries, policy and regulatory reviews affecting NRM; convening a biennial public Forum on regional NRM issues; developing communication resource material; fostering strategic capacity building projects including current proposals for engaging regional local government and a socio-economic profile of the upper catchment. Recently the new Strategic Plan was agreed to by members, which will provide direction for the organisation until 2021.

UMCN has been a K2C partner since its inception and has contributed to its deliberation and direction setting.

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Upper Murrumbidgee Landcare Committee (ULMC)

ULMC is the umbrella organisation for the Upper Murrumbidgee Landcare groups and covers an area of 6,500 square kilometres, from Nimmitabel in the south to Queanbeyan in the north and Adaminaby in the west to Numeralla in the east. The Committee comprises of representatives from Landcare groups and other regionally affiliated associations, with the primary goal of encouraging strategies that improve the land and overall environment of the Upper Murrumbidgee. By working with the Landcare groups, regional NRM organisations and the community, the UMLC promotes the sharing of information, skills and experience to improve education and support on-ground projects.

Its is currently receives a the Recreational Fishing Trust's Habitat Action Grant to conduct the Numeralla River Fish Habitat Restoration Project which largely promotes habitat restoration in the Numeralla River through the re-introduction of large woody debris.

ULMC has been an active K2C partner since its inception and advises K2C of emerging landcare issues within the upper Murrumbidgee Catchment region and acts as a proponent for K2C projects.

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Upper Shoalhaven Landcare Council

The Upper Shoalhaven and Upper Deua Landcare Network represents over 380 Landcare volunteers and 18 groups. The Upper Deua extends to the north of Bungonia National Park, eastward to the edge of the Budawang Range, southward beyond Snowball and west along the Great Dividing Range to Mount Fairy. The area covered by the Upper Shoalhaven network ranges from open farming / grazing lands to national parklands, mountain ranges, wildlife refuges, rainforests, woodlands, residential areas – all with complex networks of creeks and river systems running throughout.

The Upper Shoalhaven/Upper Deua Landcare Network represents a diverse range of landcarers, from agriculturalists to hobbyists, the newly-initiated to the wise and the experienced. Our volunteers come from areas ranging from remote rural areas to small country towns and increasingly, weekend landholders from capital cities and major metropolitan areas. The diversity of the people is reflected by each of the groups, which undertake a range of activities dependent upon the needs and priorities of the particular region. Tasks include river restoration, noxious weed removal, the rehabilitation of sensitive woodlands and the planting of trees on farms, off-stream watering and paddock subdivision for improved grazing regimes in agriculture.

Upper Shoalhaven is a recent partner and has worked with K2C on its grassland project and contributed to its deliberation and direction setting.

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