The Upper Murrumbidgee Landcare Committee is the umbrella organisation for the Upper Murrumbidgee Landcare groups.

The Upper Murrumbidgee Landcare Committee (UMLC) was formed in 1995 as an umbrella group for the Landcare groups located within the upper part of the catchment. The UMLC covers an area of 6,500 square kilometres, from Nimmitabel in the south to Queanbeyan in the north and Adaminaby in the west to Numeralla in the east. The Committee comprises of representatives from Landcare groups and other regionally affiliated associations, with the primary goal of encouraging strategies that improve the land and overall environment of the Upper Murrumbidgee. By working with the Landcare groups, regional NRM organisations and the community, the UMLC promotes the sharing of information, skills and experience to improve education and support on-ground projects.


The Project, Habitat restoration in the Numeralla River through the re-introduction of large woody debris, is proudly funded by the Recreational Fishing Trust's Habitat Action Grant.

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